5月21日Rancho San Antonio County Park爬山召集
Rancho San Antonio County Park是一个多功能的休闲公园,野餐、骑车、骑马、爬山等样样俱全。公园里的Deer Hollow Farm还有牛、猪、山羊、绵羊、鸡、兔子等多种动物。
时间:2016年5月21日 星期六 8:30 AM-14:00 PM
地点:22500 Cristo Rey Dr, Los Altos, CA 94024(GPS参考地址)
聚餐:津蒜子De Anza店 (午餐)
线路:全程大约10迈。PG&E Trail-Coyote Trail-High Meadow Trail-Wildcat Loop Trail-Rogue Valley Trail-Upper Rogue Valley Trail-Upper High Meadow Trail-PG&E Trail (容易上山线路)
PG&E Trail-Upper High Meadow Trail-Upper Rogue Valley Trail-Rogue Valley Trail-Wildcat Loop Trail-High Meadow Trail-Coyote Trail-PG&E Trail (反向线路,挑战性较大)
停车:周末停车比较困难,但不管停在哪里,在PG&E TRAIL的TRAILHEAD入口处集合。
Limitation of Liability for Carpool
The driver will not be liable to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, incidental exemplory, incidental, special or punitive damages, including lost profits arising from the use of the free carpool. The driver will not be responsible or liable for any damages arising out of your conduct or conduct toward you, either directly or indirectly, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress or property damage arising from the use of the free carpool.