1月2日Mitchell Canyon-Eagle Peak-Mount Diablo Summit爬山召集

Mount Diablo State Park是广大爬山爱好者喜爱的地方,其中从Mitchell Canyon到Eagle Peak Hike的线路非常受欢迎,全程仅8迈,难度属于中等略偏上。我们同时还有一支小分队选择攀登Mt. Diablo Summit,来回15迈。详见下面的线路图。

The best viewing is often on the day after a winter storm. Then, you can look to the west, beyond the Golden Gate Bridge, to the Farallon Islands; southeast to the James Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton at 4,213 feet elevation; south to Mount Loma Prieta in the Santa Cruz Mountains at 3,791 feet elevation; north to Mount Saint Helena in the Coast Range at 4,344 feet, and still farther north to Mount Lassen in the Cascades at 10,466 feet. North and east of Mount Diablo, the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers meet to form the twisting waterways of the Delta. To the east beyond California’s great Central Valley, the crest of the Sierra Nevada seems to float in space. With binoculars, you may even be able to pick out Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. (California Department of Parks and Recreation)

往期回顾:爬山摄影  湾区黄页爬山摄影群:路在脚下 走遍湾区

时间:1月2日 星期六 10:00 -17:00
集合地点:Mitchell Canyon Visitor Center/96 Mitchell Canyon Rd, Clayton, CA 94517


8迈的线路大致就是从Visitor Center-Mitchell Canyon Fire Road-Meridian Ridge Fire Road (Deer Flat)-Eagle Peak Loop-Mitchell Rock Trail-Visitor Center(如下图中的蓝色线段)。15迈的则是绿色线段。


Mitchell Canyon Visitor Center_mt diablo summit_map



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