1月21日Coyote Hills Regional Park爬山召集

春天是湾区的雨季,雨水让我们的山坡充满了绿色,但是今年的雨水过足,导致部分公园被关闭。而Coyote Hills Regional Park这座耳熟能详的公园,由于其独特的地理位置,很容易到达,而且山坡比较平缓,让我们在各种气候下都可以应对。

时间:1月21日 星期六 10:00 -15:00
集合地点:8000 Patterson Ranch Road, Fremont, CA 94555 (Google Map参考地扯)
宠物:$2 per dog. Guide/service dogs free. Dogs must be leashed and under control at all times.
停车:$5 per vehicle; $4 per trailered vehicle. Buses: $25/per bus.

大致路线:全程10迈左右,难度级别属于简易:Visitor Center-Chochenyo Trail-D.U.S.T Trail-(Turn Left)-Alameda Creek Trail-Shoreline Trail-No Name Trail-Bayview Trail-Red Hill Trail-Nike Trail-Visitor Center(参考下图中的红色线段+蓝色线段)。园内小线路很多,可以自由发挥。

停车指南:大门口外有一片停车场,免费,需要步行大约15-20分钟才能到里面的Visitor Center。集合地点在Visitor Center门前的停车场。




Limitation of Liability for Carpool
The driver will not be liable to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, incidental exemplory, incidental, special or punitive damages, including lost profits arising from the use of the free carpool. The driver will not be responsible or liable for any damages arising out of your conduct or conduct toward you, either directly or indirectly, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress or property damage arising from the use of the free carpool.


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