6月17日Alamere Falls爬山召集
Alamere Falls是北加两个直接通向大海的瀑布之一,从Palomarin trailhead到瀑布的线路也是我们今年评选出的湾区十大爬山线路之一。除了瀑布,那里的山色、湖泊、沙滩、鲸鱼等都是不可多得的景观。
时间:2017年6月17日 星期六 9:30AM-17:00PM (如遇坏天气活动将顺延)
地点:999 Mesa Rd, Bolinas, CA 94924(GPS参考地址,参见下面停车位置定位,停车场在Mesa Road的尽头)
来回十三迈:To get to Alamere Falls, park at the Palomarin trailhead in the southern end of the park. You will take the Coast Trail to Wildcat Camp, then hike south down the beach until you see the falls. Please note, the old Alamere Falls trail is closed indefinitely due to storm damage and erosion. Depending on the season, you may want to consider a swim in nearby Bass Lake (be aware that no lifeguard is on duty), and be careful for poison oak and stinging nettle. Once you approach Wildcat Camp you can access the beach, where you want to go south about a mile down the beach towards the falls. This is a moderate to strenuous 13-mile roundtrip hike with ocean views, backcountry lakes and lush vegetation.
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